Dead Man's Snitch

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iOS Update: More Snitch Details

Version 2.2.0 of the Dead Man's Snitch iOS app is now available for download. The latest version is aimed at making it much easier for you to see what exactly is going on with your job, just like you would if you logged into your dashboard at

When viewing snitches on your iOS device, you can now tap on an individual snitch to get a more detailed breakdown. You are now able to view recent history, tags, notes, and messages that were sent with a check-in. With these added details, if something does go wrong with a job, you'll be able to react faster.

In order to make the experience between the app and the website much more seamless, we've updated the icons as well. Another thing we did is fix a bug revolving around error handling. Previously, if there was a network or HTTP error, the app would hang on the loading screen and never display anything. With new error handling, you now know what exactly went wrong.

If you haven't updated to the newest version of Dead Man's Snitch for iOS yet, head on over to the App Store today.

Happy Snitching!