Dead Man's Snitch

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Integrating with Microsoft Teams

Dead Man's Snitch can send alerts to Microsoft Teams channels when a Snitch fails to run, errors, or is paused.


  1. Create a new Incoming Webhook Connector in Microsoft Teams

    To help distinquish Dead Man's Snitch alerts:
    • Use "Dead Man's Snitch" as the name
    • Upload the Avatar Icon on the right as the Connector's image

    Avatar Icon


  2. Copy the Webhook URL
    Microsoft Teams
    Screenshot of Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook Connector settings page with a circle around the copy url icon
  3. Click on Integrations from the navigation bar
    Snitches • Dead Man's Snitch
    Screenshot of the Dead Man's Snitch Snitches page with a highlight around the Integrations icon
  4. Click on the Add button for Microsoft Teams
    Integrations • Dead Man's Snitch
    Screenshot of the Dead Man's Snitch integrations page with a circle arround the Add button for Microsoft Teams
  5. Paste the Incoming Webhook URL and click Save
    Integrations • Dead Man's Snitch
    Screenshot of the Dead Man's Snitch page for creating a new Microsoft Teams integration with highlights on the incoming webhook field and save button