Dead Man's Snitch

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Integrating with PagerDuty

Dead Man's Snitch will create PagerDuty incidents when a Snitch goes missing or errors. Pausing a Snitch will automatically acknowledge the incident. Incident will be resolved when the Snitch starts reporting again.


Integrating with PagerDuty is easy and should take less than a minute.

  1. Click on Integrations from the navigation bar
  2. Click on the Add button for PagerDuty
    Integrations • Dead Man's Snitch
    A screenshot of the Dead Man's Snitch Integrations webpage
  3. You will be taken to where you will be asked to log in to PagerDuty. account.
    PagerDuty log in screen
  4. Select the PagerDuty Services that should be sent alerts from Dead Man's Snitch. You can select multiple Services at this step.
    Screenshot of PagerDuty service selection
  5. Once you have selected the Services to be alerted click on Connect.
    PagerDuty service selection with Universal Exports selected
  6. You will be redirected back to Dead Man's Snitch where you will see the new integration. Now would be a good time to set up alert filters to control which Snitches will alert in new integration. By default, integrations are sent alerts from all of Snitches in the Case.
    List of Dead Man's Snitch alerting integrations
  7. That's it! Dead Man’s Snitch will now create and manage incidents when your Snitches go missing or error.